Register now for the "Digital Innnovation Lab" course (summer semester 2023)
21 February 2023, by Johanna Lorenz

Photo: Professorship for Information Systems and Digital Innovation
The course "Digital Innovation Lab" is open for registration!
(for M.Sc. BWL, M.Sc. WI and M.Sc. HWI)
In this course, we simulate a project-based digital innovation lab. The objective is to develop a functioning novel digital innovation prototype (containing both hardware and software components) that addresses a chosen sustainable development challenge. With this objective, we have two specific foci.
- Address a Sustainable Development Challenge
- Develop a Digital Artifact as a Solution to the Sustainable Development Challenge
Over the course of the semester, student teams will continuously work on developing their digital innovation solution (budget provided). The course will include a range of accompanying help and assistance formats including lectures, tutorials, and interactive workshops. Teams will be equipped with a budget of 500€ that can be used for further hardware and software modules.
One of last year's teams developed a beehive-monitoring solution based on machine learning. The team is currently working on building a commercial solution based on the work in the course.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Jan Recker, Imke Grashoff and Johanna Lorenz
The course is offered by the Professorship for Information Systems and Digital Innovation