Preliminary regestration for the final thesis * indicates a required field.Please read guidlines for preparing seminar- and final theses in advance here. Type of degree*Please select Bachelor MasterGuidlines for final theses have been read*Please select YesSurname, first name*Email*Phone*Degree programm*Mandatory elective courses completed in OSCM focus: Please specify your special skills Preferred supervisor Is there already a specific topic request?*Please select Yes (please specify below) No, the topic should be discussed with the supervisorTopic request Data protection*I consent to the University of Hamburg, in this case: Institut für Logistik und Supply Chain Management, using my data until my consent is withdrawn for the following purpose(s): Abschlussarbeit. I understand that I may withdraw my consent from Institut für Logistik und Supply Chain Management at any time with future effect. Revocation of my consent does not affect any previous processing of data and information.More information on data processing.Submit