Final Degree Theses
Dear Students,
Please send your thesis application (signed) as a digital version to your supervisor at the IWI. We will take care of collecting the signatures of your IWI-reviewers and of the head of the administration board (in case you are a Bachelor or Master student in Information Systems!). Then, we will forward your application to your student office.
Looking for a topic for your thesis? You can find it right here!
The final degree thesis is one of the most important parts of your studies. Essentially, it is a matter of applying the hard-earned knowledge collected in the numerous lectures, seminars, projects and other events to a specific problem and develop a self-proposed solution - of course by taking into account the principles of scientific work. Part of the scientific way of working is to create a self-consistent, well formatted and concise bibliography. As support for the construction of such a list, we encourage you to use Zotero. In the right-hand section "Templates and Notes" you can find more information on using this reference management software.
Assisting you in your important task of writing a thesis is a central concern to us. At our institute students can select, therefore, from a wide range of possible topics. Apart from that your own topic proposals are always welcome. If you already have an idea for your thesis, we would like to help you develop and define the final title. We are also happy to support you with your practical thesis, written in collaboration with a company. In case you are interested, please contact one of our lecturers whose research areas (below) fit to your topic. Please refrain from contacting several staff members or different institutes at once at this entails a significant additional effort on our side and enormous delays. In case your research topic does not fit into the research area of the chosen lecturer, your e-mail is forwarded to the correct person.
Practice-oriented Theses
You can also write your bachelor, master or diploma thesis in collaboration with a company. The practical work contained in your thesis will be connected with theoretical concepts in order to examine both the scientific and the practical side of your topic. Of course, you can contact potential companies by yourself but your IWI supervisor can also help you with that.
Range of Topics
Being a large institute we have the possibility to offer a very wide range of thesis topics. According to our general orientation, we give special priority to topics concerning information systems. Our core competences are forecasting and decision support systems, for instance in the fields of maritime logistics or production. A list of current thesis proposals of our staff can be found here. Please see this list only as a selection of topics. Brand new ideas cannot always be presented on this website ad hoc. Below you can see a list of topics according to the interests of our single institute members:
Prof. Dr. Stefan Voß |
Dr. Kai Brüssau |
Dr. Philip Cammin |
Dr. Gabriele Schneidereit |
Dr. Robert Stahlbock |