All written research and examinations (term papers, bachelor's and master's theses, projects, and PhD theses) written at the Institute of Information Systems must meet our recommendations for the format of written works and theses [PDF]. Please use these templates ( as long as your study program does not require you to use another one):
An elementary part of any scientific work is a thorough and systematic collation and analysis of the relevant literature. Many sources, in particular papers from scientific
journals are nowadays available online, which greatly simplifies the literature research. Some publishers even offer their own online portals, in
which which all the journals, monographs, and edited works from their own portfolio can be accessed (e.g.,
SpringerLink and
ScienceDirect. Moreover, there are meta-search engines for scientific sources (eg.,
Google Scholar) or special providers who offer (full-text) access to a large number of different journals and other media.
Whether you can access the full-text article or monograph or just the bibliographic data and abstract depends on whether Universität Hamburg subscribes to the provider. For scientific journals
in particular, it is possible to check the availability of full-text access to online resources via the
Electronic Journals Library. In most cases,
the access to full texts within the University network is limited. (If you want to access the network from your home, please visit the websites of our Regional Computing Center (RRZ)). In order to facilitate your research into relevant literature, please find a list of links to providers of online content below. These portals offer a large number of potentially relevant journals, especially for final degree theses in the fields of information systems, operations research, and business administration.