Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bessler

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Senior Professor
Deutsche Börse Senior Professor of Empirical Capital Market Research
Short Biography
Short Biography
Wolfgang Bessler is the Deutsche Börse Senior Professor of Empirical Capital Market Research at the University of Hamburg and a member of the Center for Financial Studies at the University of Frankfurt. He is also an Emeritus Professor of Finance and Banking at the Justus-Liebig University Giessen. Before he was a Professor of International Financial Management at the University of Hamburg, a Professor of Financial Markets and Institutions at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, in Troy, N.Y., and a Visiting Professor of Finance at Syracuse University, N.Y., U.S.A. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Hamburg, an M.B.A. from McGill University in Montreal and Bachelor and Master Degrees in Business Administration and Education from the University of Hamburg. Wolfgang is currently a member of the Advisory Board of the Private Institute for Quantitative Capital Market Research at Deka Investment, a member of the European Shadow Financial Regulatory Committee and a board member of the Multinational Finance Society. He published his research in leading international academic journals such as Review of Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Financial Stability, Journal of Corporate Finance and European Journal of Operational Research. Wolfgang has organized a number of international conferences and has presented more than 400 papers at international conferences.
Advisory Board, Associate and Special Issue Editor and Organized Conferences
Wolfgang Bessler is a member of advisory and editorial boards of the below listed international academic journals. He also edited special journal issues and organized a number of international conferences.
Research Areas and Selected Publications
The three major research areas of Professor Bessler are Corporate Finance & Corporate Governance, Asset Management & Derivatives, and Financial Markets & Institutions. Below is a list of his books and of selected articles for each of the three research areas.
Recent Publications
Recent Publications
Kapitalmärkte: Motor für Innovation und Wohlstand oder Wurzel allen Übels, with W. Drobetz, in: „Die Welt steht Kopf“„Abschied von den Illusionen – Konzepte für eine neue Wirtschaftspolitik“, N. Berthold and J. Quitzau (eds.), Vahlen, 2023.
Short-Selling Restrictions and Financial Stability in Europe: Evidence from the Covid-19 Crisis, with M. Vendrasco, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money 80, 2022, 101612.
Corporate Control and Shareholder Activism in Germany: An Empirical Analysis of Hedge Fund Strategies, with M. Vendrasco, International Review of Financial Analysis 83, 2022, 102254.
Why Do Firms Down-list or Exit from Securities Markets? Evidence from the German Stock Exchange, with J. Beyenbach, M. S. Rapp, M. Vendrasco, Review of Managerial Science, 2022.
Why Do Companies Become Hedge Fund Targets? Evidence from Shareholder Activism in Germany, with M. Vendrasco, Finance Research Letters 47, Part B, 2022, 102748.
Empirical Capital Market Research in Germany, with R.H Schmidt, in: Ideengeschichte der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Band 2, W. Matiaske and D. Sadowski (eds.), 2022.
Mutual Fund Performance and Changes in Factor Exposure, with T. Conlon, D. V. de Mingo-López and J. C. Matallín-Sáez, Journal of Financial Research 45, 2022, 17-52.
Fundamental Factor Models and Macroeconomic Risks - An Orthogonal Decomposition, with C. Adcock and T. Conlon, Journal of Empirical Finance, 2022.
Strategien zur nachhaltigen Finanzierung der Zukunft Deutschlands. Die Leistungsfähigkeit unseres Kapitalmarktes: Was wir tun müssen, um das Potenzial zu nutzen, with T. Book, Deutsche Börse White Paper, 2021.
The Global Financial Crisis and Stock Market Migrations: An Analysis of Family and Non-Family Firms in Germany, with J. Beyenbach, M. S. Rapp, M. Vendrasco, International Review of Financial Analysis 74, 2021, 101692.
The 2020 European Short-Selling Ban and the Effects on Market Quality, with M. Vendrasco, Finance Research Letters 42, 2021, 101886.
Optimal Asset Allocation Strategies for International Equity Portfolios: A Comparison of Country versus Industry Optimization, with G. Taushanov, D. Wolff, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money 72, 2021, 101343.
Factor-Investing and Asset Allocation Strategies: A Comparison of Factor versus Sector Optimization, with G. Taushanov, D. Wolff, Journal of Asset Management 22, 2021, 488-506.
Passive Investments, with H. Hockmann, in: Investment Banking, H. Hockmann and F. Thiessen (eds.), 2021, 357-380.