Konferenzen & Workshops
3rd European Conference on Donor Health and Management (ECDHM)
in Kopenhagen, 05. – 07.09.2018
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Michel Clement, Besarta Veseli, Sinika Studte
Annual Conference of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA)
In Grand Rapids, Michigan, 16. – 18.11.2017
Speaker: Meikel Soliman
Doktorandenkolloquium in Speyer
in Speyer, 19. – 21.06.2017
Speaker: Meikel Soliman
DGTI-Sektionssitzung „Donor Research“
in Kassel, 19.06.2017
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk, Meikel Soliman, Sinika Studte
27th Regional Congress of the ISBT
in Kopenhagen, 17. – 21.06.2017
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Michel Clement
39th Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference
in Los Angeles, 07. – 10.06.2017
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Michel Clement, Martha Wegner
European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC)
in Groningen, 23. – 26.05.2017
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Michel Clement, Martha Wegner
The Association for Consumer Research Conference (ACR)
in Berlin, 27. – 30.10.2016
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Michel Clement
Blood Donor Notifications Workshop of the European Blood Donation Services
in Hamburg 04.10.2016
SALTY Tagung „Quantitatives Marketing“
in Tübingen, 25. – 27.09.2016
Speaker: Martha Wegner
2nd European Conference on Donor Health and Management (ECDHM)
in Cambridge, 12. – 15.07.2016
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Michel Clement, Martha Wegner
International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR)
in Stockholm, 20.06.2016
Speaker: Dr. Larissa Sundermann, Dr. Sigrun Leipnitz
Workshop on Blood Donation Management Issues of the European Blood Donation Services
in Wien, 20. – 21.04.2016
Society for Judgment and Decision Making (SJDM)
in Chicago, 20. – 23.11.2015
Speaker: Martha Wegner
Annual Conference of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA)
in Chicago, 19. – 21.11.2015
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk
Workshop on Blood Donation Management Issues of the European Blood Donation Services
in Amsterdam, 20. – 22.08.2015
International Conference on European Research Network on Philanthropy (ERNOP)
in Paris, 09. – 10.07.2015
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk, Dr. Larissa Sundermann, Dr. Jurgen Willems
1st European Conference on Donor Health and Management (ECDHM)
in Den Haag, 03.09. – 05.09.2014
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Michel Clement
International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR)
in Münster, 22.07. – 25.07.2014
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk, Prof. Dr. Michel Clement, Dr. Sigrun Leipnitz
International Conference on European Research Network on Philanthropy (ERNOP)
in Riga, 11. – 12.07.2013
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk, Dr. Marius Mews, Prof. Dr. Wim deKort
Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA)
in Indianapolis, 15. – 17.11.2012
Speaker: Dr. Marius Mews, Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk
Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA)
in Indianapolis, 15. – 17.11.2012
Speaker: Dr. Sigrun Leipnitz, Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk
International Conference on European Research Network on Philantrophy (ERNOP)
in Wien, 07.06.2012
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk, Dr. Sigrun Leipnitz
European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC)
in Lissabon, 23. – 26.05.2012
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk, Dr. Sigrun Leipnitz
Internationales NPO-Colloquium
in Fribourg, 29. – 30.03.2012
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk, Dr. Sigrun Leipnitz
International Conference on European Research Network on Philanthropy (ERNOP)
in Wien, 07.11.2011
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk, Dr. Sigrun Leipnitz
EIASM 8th Workshop on the Challenge of Managing the Third Sector
in Galway, 09. – 10.06.2011
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk, Marius Mews