Publikationen der Forschungskooperation
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Saltzmann, Carolin & Boenigk, Silke . “On consciousness of the decision to discontinue blood donation: Intention to return and effective recovery activities”. Transfusion Medicine 32(2). (2022): S. 1-17.Zur Publikation
Veseli, Besarta, Sandner, Sabrina, Studte, Sinika & Clement, Michel. “The impact of COVID-19 on blood donations”. PLOS ONE 17 (3): e0265171. (2022) Zur Publikation
Saltzmann, Carolin & Boenigk, Silke . “Blood donor's usage intentions of donation appointment-scheduling systems during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond”. Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing online first. (2022) Zur Publikation
Veseli, Besarta, Elena Koch, Meikel Soliman, Sabrina Sandner, Sinika Studte, and Michel Clement. “The role of affect, satisfaction, and internal drive on personal moral norms during COVID-19”. ISBT Science Series 16(2). (2021): S. 158-167.Zur Publikation
Sandner, Sabrina, Eva-Maria Merz, Katja van den Hurk, Marian van Kraaij, Christina Mikkelsen, Henrik Ullum & Michel Clement. “Validation of a Standardized Donor Health Questionnaire across Substances of Human Origin”. Vox Sanguinis 116(6). (2020): S. 645-655.Zur Publikation
Clement, Michel & Sandner, Sabrina. “Blood safety considerations in the developing world – the problem of social desirability biases (Editorial)”. Transfusion 60(2). (2020): S. 225-226.Zur Publikation
Studte, Sinika, Michel Clement, Meikel Soliman, and Silke Boenigk. “Blood donors and their changing engagement in other prosocial behaviors”. Transfusion 59(3). (2019): S. 1002-1015.Zur Publikation
Soliman, Meikel & Boenigk, Silke. “Individual life events and blood giving”. Journal of Consumer Marketing 36(7). (2019): S. 926-938.Zur Publikation
Sundermann, Larissa & Leipnitz, Sigrun. “Catch Them If You Can: The Effect of Reminder Direct Mailings on the Return Rate of First-Time Donors”. Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing (2018) Zur Publikation
Leipnitz, Sigrun, de Vries, Martha, Clement, Michel & Mazar, Nina. “Providing Health Checks as Incentives to Retain Blood Donors — Evidence from Two Field Experiments”. International Journal of Research in Marketing 35(4). (2018): S. 628-640. Zur Publikation
Sundermann, Larissa, deKort, Wim & Boenigk, Silke. “The ‘Donor of the Future Project’ — first results and further research domains”. Vox Sanguinis Vol. 112, No. 3. (2017): S. 191-200. Zur Publikation
Sundermann, Larissa, Boenigk, Silke & Willems, Jurgen . “Under blood pressure - differentiated versus undifferentiated marketing to increase blood donations”. International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing Vol. 3, No. 14. (2017) Zur Publikation
Sundermann, Larissa. “Share experiences: receiving word of mouth and its effect on relationships with donors”. Journal of Services Marketing Vol. 32, No. 3. (2017): S. 322-333.Zur Publikation
van Dongen, Anne, Mews, Marius, de Kort, Wim & Wagenmans, Elze. “Missing Minorities? A survey based description of the current state of minority blood donor recruitment across 23 countries”. Diversity and Equality in Health and Care Vol. 13, No. 1. (2016): S. 138-145. Zur Publikation
Boenigk, Silke & Leipnitz, Sigrun. “Acquiring Potential Blood Donors in Large Cities: A Preference-Based Donor Segmentation Study”. Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing Vol. 28, No. 4. (2016): S. 364-393. Zur Publikation
Shehu, Edlira, Langmaack, Ann-Christin, Felchle, Elena & Clement, Michel. “Profiling Donors of Blood, Money and Time: A Simultaneous Comparison of the German Population”. Nonprofit Management & Leadership Vol. 25, No. 3. (2015): S. 269-295. Zur Publikation
Shehu, Edlira, Hofmann, Annette, Clement Michel & Langmaack, Ann-Christin. “ Healthy Donor Effect and Satisfaction with Health - The Role of Selection Effects Related to Blood Donation Behavior”. European Journal of Health Economics Vol. 16, No. 7. (2015): S. 733-745. Zur Publikation
Boenigk, Silke, Mews, Marius & de Kort, Wim. “Missing Minorities: Explaining Low Migrant Blood Donation Participation and Developing Recruitment Tactics”. Voluntas Vol. 26, No. 4. (2015): S. 1240-1260. Zur Publikation
Leipnitz, Sigrun. “Stakeholder performance measurement in nonprofit organizations”. Nonprofit Management and Leadership Vol. 25, No. 2. (2014): S. 165-181. Zur Publikation
Shehu, Edlira, Langmaack, Ann-Christin & Clement, Michel. “Emergencies and Blood Donation Services – The dark side of using emergencies in direct marketing campaigns of blood donation services”. Service Science Vol 5, No. 2. (2013): S. 163-178. Zur Publikation
Mews, Marius & Boenigk, Silke. “Does organizational reputation influence the willingness to donate blood?”. International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing Vol. 10, No. 1. (2013): S. 49-64. Zur Publikation
Mews, Marius. “To pay or not to pay — the role of monetary incentives in an optimal blood donation service bundle”. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing Vol. 18, No. 3. (2013): S. 192-202. Zur Publikation
Boenigk, Silke & Helmig, Bernd. “Why Do Donors Donate? Examining the Effects of Organizational Identification and Identity Salience on the Relationships among Satisfaction, Loyalty, and Donation Behavior”. Journal of Service Research Vol 16, No. 4. (2013): S. 533-548. Zur Publikation
Leipnitz, Sigrun & Boenigk, Silke. “Erfolgsfaktoren in Blutspendeorganisationen”. (2012): S. 260-270. Zur Publikation
Boenigk, Silke, Leipnitz, Sigrun & Scherhag, Christian. “Altruistic Values, Satisfaction and Loyalty among First-time Blood donors”. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing Vol. 16, No. 4. (2011): S. 356-370. Zur Publikation