Prof. Dr. André Marchand
Professor of Marketing
Universität Leipzig
E-Mail: marchand"AT"
PhD-Thesis and important publications
Dissertation topic: "Recommender Systems for Groups: Decision Support for Joint Consumption of Hedonic Products".
Key Publications
- Hennig-Thurau, Thorsten, André Marchand, and Paul Marx (2012), “Can Automated Group Recommender Systems Help Consumers Make Better Choices?” Journal of Marketing, 76 (5), 89-109.
- Marchand, André (2016), “The Power of an Installed Base to Combat Lifecycle Decline: The Case of Video Games,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 33 (1), 140-154.
- Marchand, André and Paul Marx (2020), “Automated Product Recommendations with Preference-Based Explanations,” Journal of Retailing, 96 (3), 328-343.