Publikationen des IWI
Hier finden Sie die Publikationen unseres Instituts nach Mitarbeitern geordnet:
Kai Brüssau
Brüssau, Kai: Eclipse Web Tools Platform, entwicklerpress, 2008
Brüssau, Kai und Widder, Oliver: Eclipse - Die Plattform, Software&support-Verlag, 2. Aufl., 2006
Brüssau, Kai und Widder, Oliver: Eclipse - Die Plattform, Software&support-Verlag, 2005
Brüssau, Kai: Evolutionäe Algorithmen zur simultanen Losgrößen- und Ablaufplanung, DUV, 2002
Veröffentlichte Artikel:
Feinplanung für die Kunststoffgranulat-Produktion (mit Sebastian Friedrich und Stefan Voß), in: PPS Management (Februar 2008).
J2EE mit Eclipse: J2EE-Anwendungen mit Eclipse und Lomboz, in: Eclipse Special (2005).
Komponenten bei der Softwareerstellung. in: WISU - Das Wirtschaftsstudium 31 (2002), 1215-1218
Leonard Heilig
Internationale zeitschriftenartikel (mit Peer-Review-Verfahren):
- Heilig, L., Voß, S. (2014). A Scientometric Analysis of Cloud Computing Literature. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. doi: 10.1109/TCC.2014.2321168, to appear.
- Heilig, L. (2014). A View on Cloud Computing from above the Clouds. IEEE Computer, 47 (10), to appear.
- Heilig, L., Voß, S. (2014). Decision Analytics for Cloud Computing: A Classification and Literature Review. Tutorials in Operations Research, to appear.
Konferenzbeiträge (mit Peer-Review-Verfahren):
- Heilig, L., Voß, S. (2014). A Cloud-based SOA for Enhancing Information Exchange and Decision Support in ITT Operations. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computational Logistics (ICCL 2014), Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 8760 (s. 112-131). Valparaíso/Berlin: Springer.
- Bartens, Y., de Haes, S., Eggert, L., Heilig, L., Maes, K., Schulte, F., Voß, S. (2014). A Visualization Approach for Reducing the Perceived Complexity of COBIT 5. In: M. C. Tremblay, D. Vandermeer, M. Rothenberger, A. Gupta, V. Yoon (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST 2014), Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 8643 (pp. 403-407). Miami, FL/Berlin: Springer.
- Heilig, L., Voß, S., Wulken, L. (2014). Building Clouds: An Integrative Approach for an Automated Deployment of Elastic Cloud Services. In: V. Chang, R. Walters, G. Wills (eds): Delivery and Adoption of Cloud Computing Services in Contemporary Organizations. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Weitere Veröffentlichungen:
- Heilig, L., Voß, S. (2014). JobRoute: A Cloud-based Workforce Management System. Poster session presented at the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI), Paderborn, Germany.
Gabriele Schneidereit
A. Fink, G. Schneidereit, S. Voß (2005): Grundlagen der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2. Auflage, Physica, Heidelberg.
G. Schneidereit (1996): Untersuchungen zu submodularen Strukturen, Cuvillier, Göttingen.
Begutachtete Artikel in Tagungsbänden:
J.R. Daduna, G. Schneidereit, S. Voß (2006): Dynamische Fahrgastinformation im Öffentlichen Personennahverkehr - Grundstrukturen und kundenorientierte Funktionalitätsanforderungen. In: D.C. Mattfeld, L. Suhl (Hrsg.): Informationssysteme in Transport und Verkehr, DSOR Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsinformatik, DS&OR Lab, Paderborn, S. 47-69.
S. Voß, G. Schneidereit (2002): Interdependencies between Supply Contracts and Transaction Costs. In: S. Seuring, M. Goldbach (Hrsg.): Cost Management in Supply Chains, Springer, Berlin, S. 255-274.
G. Schneidereit, S. Voß (2001): Vertragsgestaltung in der Supply Chain. In: W. Dangelmaier, U. Pape, M. Rüther (Hrsg.): Die Supply Chain im Zeitalter von E-Business und Global Sourcing, ALB-HNI-Verlagsschriftenreihe, Paderborn, S. 421-433
J. Böse, A. Fink, K. Gutenschwager, T. Reiners, G. Schneidereit (2001): Konfiguration von Distributionslogistiknetzwerken unter Berücksichtigung kundenorientierter Lieferserviceanforderungen. In: H.-J. Sebastian, T. Grünert (Hrsg.): Logistik Management - Supply Chain Management und e-Business. Teubner, Stuttgart, S. 337-350.
A. Fink, G. Schneidereit, S. Voß (2000): Solving General Ring Network Design Problems by Meta-Heuristics. In: M. Laguna, J.L. González Velarde (Hrsg.): Computing Tools for Modeling, Optimization and Simulation, Kluwer, Boston, S. 91-113.
J.R. Daduna, G. Schneidereit, S. Voß (1998): Informationsdistribution über Netzdienste am Beispiel des Öffentlichen Personenverkehrs. In: VDI (Hrsg.): Gesamtverkehrsforum 1998, VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, S 217-235.
G. Schneidereit, S. Voß (1998): Mobilkommunikationseinsatz im Rahmen des Informationsmanagements für logistische Dienstleister. In: P. Kischka, H.-W. Lorenz, U. Derigs, W. Domschke, P. Kleinschmidt, R. Möhring (Hrsg.): Operations Research Proceedings 1997, Selected Papers of the Symposium on Operations Research (SOR 97) Jena, Springer, Berlin, S. 563-568.
Beiträge in Büchern:
J.R. Daduna, G. Schneidereit, S. Voß (2005): Informationstechnologien für die Fahrgastinformation im öffentlichen Personennahverkehr. In: R. Lasch, A. Lemke (Hrsg.): Wege zu einem zukunftsfähigen ÖPNV, Erich Schmidt, Berlin, S. 191-226
G. Schneidereit, S. Voß (2001): Rechtliche Aspekte des Supply Chain Managements. In: U. Arnold, R. Mayer, G. Urban (Hrsg.): Supply Chain Management, Lemmens Verlag, Bonn, S. 155-175.
weitere Veröffentlichungen:
G. Schneidereit (2003): WISU Check Up Informationsmanagement. WISU - Das Wirtschaftsstudium 32, S. 749-751.
G. Schneidereit, S. Voß (2002): Supply Chain Verträge. WISU - Das Wirtschaftsstudium 31, S. 198-200.
A. Fink, G. Schneidereit, S. Voß (1999): Ring Network Design for Metropolitan Area Networks. Bericht des Instituts für Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Technischen Universität Braunschweig, AP-Nr. 99/04.
G. Schneidereit (1997): Mobilkommunikation. In: S. Voß: Information und Kommunikation im Dienstleistungsbereich. Bericht des Instituts für Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Technischen Universität Braunschweig, AP-Nr. 97/12.
Frank Schwartz
Störungsmanagement in Produktionssystemen, Aachen 2004. [ISBN: 978-3-8322-3088-3]
Störungsmanagement in der Produktion – Simulationsstudien für ein hybrides Fließfertigungssystem (with S. Voß). Zeitschrift für Planung und Unternehmenssteuerung 15 (2004), 427 - 447.
Management of disruptions in production systems using simulation (with S. Voß). Pacific Journal of Optimization 1 (2005), 579 - 597.
Distribution network design with postponement (with S. Voß). In: A. Oberweis, C. Weinhardt, H. Gimpel, A. Koschmider, V. Pankratius and B. Schnizler (eds.) e-Organisation: Service-, Prozess-, Market-Engineering, Universitätsverlag Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe (2007), 373 - 390. [ISBN: 978-3-86644-095-1]
Planung von Distributionsnetzwerken unter Berücksichtigung von Ansätzen des Postponement (with S. Voß). In: W. Dangelmaier, M. Aufenanger and B. Klöpper (eds.), Kundenindividuelle Produktion und lieferzeitoptimierte Unternehmensnetzwerke, ALB-HNI, Paderborn (2007), 16_Schwartz_Voss, 1-16. [ISBN: 3-935433-94-8].
Designing distribution networks taking into account aspects of postponement (with S. Voß). In: J.A. Ceroni (ed.) The Development of Collaborative Production and Service Systems in Emergent Economies, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Production Research, IFPR, Valparaiso, Chile (2007), Tu3.4-6, 6 pages. [ISBN: 978-956-310-751-7]
Evaluation of postponement activities in dry ports (with R. Stahlbock and S. Voß). In: Proceedings of the IAME 2009 Conference, IAME, Copenhagen (2009), Paper 2-77, 19 pages
A stochastic model for implementing postponement strategies (with S. Guericke, A. Koberstein and S. Voß). In: R.H. Sprague (ed.) Proceedings of the 44th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, IEEE, Piscataway (2011), 10 pages. [ISBN: 978-0-7695-4282-9]
A stochastic model for the implementation of postponement strategies in global distribution networks (with S. Guericke, A. Koberstein and S. Voß). Decision Support Systems, (2012), doi:10.1016/j.dss.2012.01.010,]
Gestaltung von Distributionsnetzwerken bei der Umsetzung von Postponement-Strategien (with S. Voß; in German). In: D. Ivanov, B. Sokolov and J. Käschel (eds.) Flexibility and Adaptability of Global Supply Chains, DR-LOG, St. Petersburg (2012), 112 - 119. [ISBN: 978-5-98340-274-4]
Risk management in global supply chains - Hedging for the big bang? (with D. Dadfar and S. Voß). In: H.-Y. Mak and H.K. Lo (eds.) Transportation & Logistics Management. Proceedings of the 17 th International HKSTS Conference, HKSTS, Hong Kong (2012), 159 – 166. [ISBN: 978-988-15814-1-9]
Flexible supply chain design under stochastic catastrophic risks (with Y. Fan and S. Voß). In: W. Kersten, T. Blecker and C.M. Ringle (eds.) Next Generation Supply Chains. epubli GmbH, Berlin (2014), 379-406. [ISBN: 978-3-8442-9879-6]
Birgit Schwartz-Reinken
Birgit Schwartz, Parallele Optimierung dynamischer Produktionsplanungsmodelle, in: IBM Hochschulforum, Hamburg, Tagungsband, 2. Aufl., 1990, S. 211-212
Birgit Schwartz, Mixed-integer linear Optimization on a PC-Net, in: Grauer, M., Preßmar, D.B. (Hrsg.), Parallel Computing and Mathematical Optimization, Siegen, 1990, Proceedings, Berlin, Heidelberg 1991, S. 45-63
Birgit Schwartz, Parallelverarbeitung in Rechnernetzen und betriebswirtschaftliche Planung, Wiesbaden 1994
Birgit Schwartz, Parallelisierungsmöglichkeiten evolutionärer Verfahren und lokaler Suchalgorithmen, in: Operations Research Proceedings 1995, Berlin, Heidelberg (1996), S. 90-95
Birgit Schwartz-Reinken und Kai Brüssau, GUI-Design mit Eclipse: dargestellt am Beispiel des Visual Editor, eclipse SPECIAL, Sonderausgabe präsentiert von: Javamagazin, Herbst 2004, S. 47-59
Birgit Schwartz-Reinken, GUI-Design mit Eclipse, in: Eclipse – Die Plattform. Enterprise-Java mit Eclipse 3, Kai Brüssau/Oliver Widder (Hrsg.), Frankfurt 2005, Software & Support Verlag GmbH, S. 183-269
Imke Sassen und Birgit Schwartz-Reinken, Adaptation and Configuration – Support-Possibilities of Different Learner Types within Virtual Learning Environments - An Experience Report, in: Proceedings ITCC 2005. International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing, Vol. I, S. 442-446, Los Alamitos California, 2005
Birgit Schwartz-Reinken, GUI-Design mit Eclipse, in: Eclipse – Die Plattform. Enterprise-Java mit Eclipse 3.1, Kai Brüssau/Oliver Widder (Hrsg.), Frankfurt 2006, Software & Support Verlag GmbH, S. 175-261
Xiaoning Shi
Robert Stahlbock
R. Stahlbock (2002) Evolutionäre Entwicklung künstlicher neuronaler Netze zur Lösung betriebswirtschaftlicher Klassifikationsprobleme. WiKu, Berlin
Artikel in Zeitschriften (mit Peer-Review-Verfahren):
K. Tierney, S. Voß, R. Stahlbock (2013) A Mathematical Model of Inter-Terminal Transportation, European Journal of Operational Research, 10.1016/j.ejor.2013.07.007 [Elsevier]
P. Großkurth, R. Stahlbock, S. Voß (2011) Economic Impacts of the Alternative Reuse of Empty ISO Containers, LNCS 6971, 142-159; DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-24264-9_11 [Springer]
J. Klaws, R. Stahlbock, S. Voß (2011) Container Terminal Yard Operations - Simulation of a Side-Loaded Container Block Served by Triple Rail Mounted Gantry Cranes, LNCS 6971, 243-255; DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-24264-9_19 [Springer]
R. Stahlbock, S. Voß (2010) Efficiency considerations for sequencing and scheduling of double rail mounted gantry cranes at maritime container terminals, International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 2(1): 95-123; DOI 10.1504/IJSTL.2010.029899 [Inderscience]
R. Stahlbock, Stefan Lessmann, Sven F. Crone (2010) Data Mining and Information Systems: Quo Vadis?, Data Mining (R. Stahlbock, Sven F. Crone, S. Lessmann (Eds.), Annals of Information Systems 8: 1-15
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-1280-0_1 [Springer]; ISSN 1934-3221
R. Stahlbock, S. Voß (2008) Operations research at container terminals - a literature update, OR Spectrum 30: 1-52 [Springer]
S.F. Crone, S. Lessmann, R. Stahlbock (2005) The impact of preprocessing on data mining: An evaluation of classifier sensitivity in direct marketing, European Journal of Operational Research 173: 781-800 [Elsevier]
D. Steenken, S. Voß, R. Stahlbock (2004) Container terminal operation and operations research - a classification and literature review, OR Spectrum 26: 3-49 [Springer]
J. Daduna, R. Stahlbock, S. Voß (2012) Transport Systems for Linking Seaport Container Terminals and Dedicated Satellite Terminals. Proc. of The 2012 Intern. Conf. on Logistics and Maritime Systems (LOGMS, Aug. 22-24, 2012, Bremen, Germany)
J. Meyer, R. Stahlbock, S. Voß (2012) Slow steaming in container shipping. In: R.H. Sprague (ed.): Proc. of the 45th Annual Hawaii Intern. Conf. on System Sciences (HICSS-45, Jan 4-7, Grand Wailea, Maui, Hawaii), IEEE, Piscataway, 1306-1314
[DOI 10.1109/HICSS.2012.529]
R. Stahlbock, S. Voß (2011) Maritime container terminals: Perspectives and challenges in the post-crisis
era. In: W.Y. Szeto, S.C. Wong, and N.N. Sze (eds.) Transportdynamics. Proc. of the 16th Intern. Conf. of Hong Kong Society for Transport Studies (HKSTS), Dec. 17-20, 2011, Hong Kong, 281-288 [ISBN 978-988-98847-9-6]
R. Stahlbock, S. Voß (2011) Environmental-friendly container transport - challenges and instruments of green maritime logistics. Proc. of the IAME 2011 Conference, Oct. 25-28, Santiago de Chile
R. Stahlbock, S. Voß (2010) Green Maritime Transport – State of the Art and Challenges, In: A. Sumalee, W.H.K. Lam, H.W. Lo and B. Siu (Eds.): Proc. of the 15th HKSTS International Conf. - Transportation and Urban Sustainability (Dec. 11-14, 2010, Hong Kong, China), Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), Hong Kong, 263-270, ISBN 978-988-98847-8-9
F. Schwartz, R. Stahlbock, S. Voß (2009) Evaluation of postponement activities in dry ports. Proc. of the IAME 2009 Conference, June 24-26, Copenhagen
R. Stahlbock, S. Voß (2009) A Branch and Bound Method for Sequencing Double Rail Mounted Gantry Cranes at a Maritime Container Terminal. Presented at the International Symposium on Maritime Logistics and Supply Chains (MLOG, April 23-24, Singapore)
R. Stahlbock, S. Voß (2009) Improving the Logistics of Moving Empty Containers. Presented at the International Symposium on Maritime Logistics and Supply Chains (MLOG, April 23-24, Singapore)
R. Stahlbock (2008) Neural Classification Approach for Short Term Forecast of Exchange Rate Movement with Point and Figure Charts, In: Proc. of the Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks (IJCNN'08, part of the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2008)), 2008 (June 1-6, 2008, Hong Kong, China), IEEE, 2842-2849
S. Lessmann, S.F. Crone, R. Stahlbock, N. Zacher (2006) An evaluation of support vector machines for cost-sensitive learning, In: Proc. of the Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks (IJCNN'06, part of the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2006)) 2006 (July 16-21, 2006, Vancouver, Canada), IEEE, 347-354
S. Lessmann, R. Stahlbock, S.F. Crone (2006) Genetic algorithms for support vector machine model selection, In: Proc. of the Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks (IJCNN'06, part of the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2006)) 2006 (July 16-21, 2006, Vancouver, Canada), IEEE, 3063-3069
S. Lessmann, R. Stahlbock, S.F. Crone (2006) Genetically constructed kernels for support vector machines, In: Haasis, H.-D., Kopfer, H. and Schönberger, J. (Eds.): Operations Research Proceedings 2005 : Selected Papers of the Annual Intern.l Conf. of the German Operations Research Society (GOR) (Sep 7–9, 2005, Bremen, Germany), Springer, Heidelberg, 257-262 [Springer]
R. Stahlbock, S.F. Crone (2005) Evolutionary Neural Classification for Evaluation of Retail Stores and Decision Support, In: Proc. Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 2005 (July 31-Aug 4, 2005, Montréal, Canada), IEEE, Piscataway, 1499-1504
S.F. Crone, S. Lessmann, R. Stahlbock (2005) Utility Based Data Mining for Time Series Analysis - Cost-sensitive Learning for Neural Network Predictors, In: Weiss, G., Saar-Tsechansky, M., Zadrozny, B. (Eds.): Proc. of the 1st Int. Workshop on Utility based Data Mining (ACM SIG-KDD'05, Chicago, USA), 59-68 [preliminary working paper ]
R. Stahlbock, S.F. Crone, S. Lessmann (2005) Evolutionary Neural Classification Approaches for Strategic and Operational Decision Support in Retail Store Planning, In: Arabnia, H. (Ed.): Proc. Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (IC-AI'05, June 27-30, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA), CSREA Press, Vol. I, 60-66 [preliminary working paper ]
S. Lessmann, R. Stahlbock, S.F. Crone (2005) Optimizing Hyperparameters of Support Vector Machines by Genetic Algorithms. In: Arabnia, H. (Ed.): Proc. Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (IC-AI'05, June 27-30, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA), CSREA Press (2005), Vol. I, 74-80
S.F. Crone, S. Lessmann, R. Stahlbock (2005) A New Perspective on Forecasting Seasonal Time Series with Artificial Neural Networks. In: Arabnia, H. (Ed.): Proc. Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (IC-AI'05, June 27-30, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, CSREA Press) - accepted for publication in post-proceedings
R. Stahlbock (2004) An Evolutionary Neural Classification Approach to Evaluate Retail Stores and Support Decisions on Their Location, In-Store Design and Assortment, In: Arabnia, H. (Ed.): Proc. Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (IC-AI’04, June 21-24, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA), CSREA Press (2004), Vol. I, 228-234
S.F. Crone, S. Lessmann, R. Stahlbock (2004) Empirical Comparison and Evaluation of Classifier Performance for Data Mining in Customer Relationship Management. In: D. Wunsch et al. (Eds.): Proc. Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 2004 (July 25-29, Budapest, Hungary), IEEE, Piscataway, 443-448 [preliminary working paper ]
R. Stahlbock (2000) Devisenkursprognose mit neuronalen Netzen. In: Cleve, J. (Ed.): Proc. WIWITA 2000 - 2. Wismarer Wirtschaftsinformatiktage (June 15-16, Hochschule Wismar, Fachbereich Wirtschaft), 154-160
weitere Konferenzbeiträge (Extended Abstracts, manchmal in Konferenzbänden gedruckt; Auswahl):
R. Stahlbock, S. Voß (2012) Environmental-friendly Container Transport - Challenges and Instruments of Green Maritime Logistics. Presented by S. Voß at the Intern. Conf. on Sustainable Growth through Green and Secure Logistics (Nov. 01, Shanghai, China)
J. Daduna, R. Stahlbock, S. Voß (2012) Transport Systems for Linking Seaport Container Terminals and Dedicated Satellite Terminals. Presented by J. Daduna at The 3rd Intern. Conf. on Computational Logistics (ICCL 2012, Sept. 24-26, Shanghai, China)
N. Emmer, R. Stahlbock, S. Voß (2012) Simulation of Rail Mounted Gantry Crane Systems in a Container Terminal Yard. Presented by S. Voß at The 2012 Intern. Conf. on Logistics and Maritime Systems (LOGMS, Aug. 22-24, 2012, Bremen, Germany)
R. Stahlbock, S. Voß (2012) The Thailand Canal and its Impact on Maritime Logistics. Presented at The 2012 Intern. Conf. on Logistics and Maritime Systems (LOGMS, Aug. 22-24, 2012, Bremen, Germany)
R. Stahlbock, S. Voß (2011) Green Maritime Transport - State of the Art and Challenges. Presented by S. Voß at the 2nd Intern. Conf. on Computational Logistics (ICCL 2011, Sept. 19-22, 2011, Hamburg, Germany)
S. Voß, R. Stahlbock, J. Böse (2011) Perspectives and Challenges of Modern Maritime Container Terminals. Presented at the PORTeC Workshop on the Future of Container Terminal Automation (April 5, 2011, Imperial College London)
R. Stahlbock (2010) Classification Approaches for Strategic and Operational Decision Support in Retail Store Planning. Presented at the ICCL 2010 - The 1st International Conference on Computational Logistics (Sept. 20-22, 2010, Shanghai, China)
R. Stahlbock, S. Voß (2010) Data Mining – Decision Support in Container Logistics. Presented at the ICCL 2010 - The 1st International Conference on Computational Logistics (September 20-22, 2010, Shanghai, China)
R. Stahlbock, S. Voß (2010) Empty Container Management - State of the Art. Presented at the LOGMS 2010 - The 2010 International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems (September 15-17, 2010, Busan, Korea)
R. Stahlbock, S. Voß (2010) Container Logistics and Data Mining. Presented at the LOGMS 2010 - The 2010 International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems (September 15-17, 2010, Busan, Korea)
S. Voß, R. Stahlbock (2010) Improving the logistics of moving empty containers - Can new concepts avoid a collapse in container transportation? Presented by S. Voß at EURO XXIV, 24th European Conference on Operational Research (July 11-14, Lisbon, Portugal)
S. Voß, R. Stahlbock (2010) Improving the logistics of moving empty containers - Can new concepts avoid a collapse in container transportation? Presented by S. Voß at TRISTAN VII, 7th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (June 20-25, Tromsø, Norway)
R. Stahlbock, S. Voß, R. Eisenberg (2008) Increasing the efficiency of container terminals by automated double rail mounted gantry cranes. Presented at the German-Korean Workshop on Container Terminal Management : IT-based Planning and Control of Seaport Container Terminals and Transportation Systems (Aug 27-31, Bremen, Germany)
R. Stahlbock, X. Shi, S. Voß (2008) Can new concepts avoid a collapse in container transport? Presented by S. Voß at the 3rd German-Korean Workshop on Container Terminal Management : IT-based Planning and Control of Seaport Container Terminals and Transportation Systems (Aug 27-31, Bremen, Germany)
S. Voß, X. Shi, R. Stahlbock (2008) Container terminal operation and Operations Research - Recent challenges. Presented by S. Voß at the 3rd German-Korean Workshop on Container Terminal Management : IT-based Planning and Control of Seaport Container Terminals and Transportation Systems (Aug 27-31, Bremen, Germany)
S. Voß, R. Stahlbock, D. Steenken (2006) Container Terminal Operation and Operations Research. Presented by S. Voß at 4th US-European Workshop on Logistics and Supply Chain Management - An International Research Perspective (July 8-9, 2006, Hamburg, Germany)
S. Voß, R. Stahlbock, R. Eisenberg, D. Steenken (2005) Simulation of Double Rail Mounted Gantry Cranes. Presented by S. Voß at IFORS Triennial 2005 (July 11-15, 2005, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA)
S. Voß, D. Steenken, R. Stahlbock (2005) Operations research methods for container terminal logistics - a survey. Presented by S. Voß at IFORS Triennial 2005 (July 11-15, 2005, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA)
S. Voß, R. Stahlbock, D. Steenken (2004) A survey on operations research applications in container terminal logistics. Presented by S. Voß at TRISTAN V: The Fifth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (June 13-18, 2004, Le Gosier, Guadeloupe, French West Indies)
R. Stahlbock, S. Voß (2010) Improving empty container logistics – Can it avoid a collapse in container transportation? In: L. Kroon, T. Li and R. Zuidwijk (eds.) Liber Amicorum In Memoriam Jo Van Nunen, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam (2010), 217-224
R. Stahlbock, S. Voß (2008) Vehicle Routing Problems and Container Terminal Operations - An Update of Research. In: B. Golden, S. Raghavan, E. Wasil (Eds.): The Vehicle Routing Problem: Latest Advances and New Challenges, Springer US, 2008, 551-589; book: ISBN 978-0-387-77777-1; chapter: DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-77778-8
S. Lessmann, R. Stahlbock (2005) Support Vektor Klassifikatoren im analytischen Kundenbeziehungsmanagement. In: Rommelfanger, H. (Ed.): Neue Anwendungen von Fuzzy-Logik und Künstlicher Intelligenz, Shaker, Aachen, 113-124
S. F. Crone, S. Lessmann, R. Stahlbock (2005) Support Vector Machines Versus Artificial Neural Networks - New Potential in Data Mining for Customer Relationship Management? In: Wang, D., Lee, K. (Eds.): Neural Networks Applications in Information Technology and Web Engineering, Borneo Publishing, Malaysia, 80-93
D. Steenken, S. Voß, R. Stahlbock (2005) Container terminal operation and operations research - a classification and literature review. In: Günther, H.-O., Kim K.H. (Eds.): Container Terminals and Automated Transport Systems, Springer, Berlin, 3-49 [Springer - Kapitel] [Springer - Buchinfo]
Weitere Veröffentlichungen:
R. Stahlbock (2012; with J.R. Daduna and S. Voß) Transport systems for linking seaport container terminals and dedicated satellite terminals, Working Paper, HWR Berlin and University of Hamburg
R. Stahlbock (2012) Book Review: Yin, Yong, Ikou Kaku, Jiafu Tang, Jian-Ming Zhu. 2011. Data Mining: Concepts, Methods and Applications in Management and Engineering Design. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany. 312 pp. Interfaces 42(4), 415-417, DOI
R. Stahlbock, S. Lessmann (2003) Potential von Support Vektor Maschinen im analytischen Customer Relationship Management, Technical Report TR-01-2003, Institute of Information Systems, University of Hamburg, Germany
B. Alex, R. Stahlbock (1996) Unterstützung von Managementaufgaben mit NeuralWare Predict. In: NewsServer 2/1996, pp. 28-30
R. Stahlbock, G. M. Weiss (eds.) (2013) Proc. of The 2013 Intern. Conf. on Data Mining (DMIN'13), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 22-25, 2013, CSREA Press
R. Stahlbock (with H. Hu, X. Shi, S. Voß): Computational Logistics - Proc. of the Third International Conference, ICCL 2012, Shanghai, China, September 2012, LNCS 7555, Springer
R. Stahlbock, G. M. Weiss (eds.) (2012) Proc. of The 2012 Intern. Conf. on Data Mining (DMIN'12), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 16-19, 2012, CSREA Press
R. Stahlbock (with J. Böse, H. Hu, C. Jahn, X. Shi, S. Voß): Computational Logistics - Proc. of the Second International Conference, ICCL 2011, Hamburg, Germany, September 2011, LNCS 6971, Springer
R. Stahlbock (ed.) (2011) Proc. of The 2011 Intern. Conf. on Data Mining (DMIN'11), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 18-21, 2011, CSREA Press
R. Stahlbock, S. F. Crone (eds.) (2010) Proc. of The 2010 Intern. Conf. on Data Mining (DMIN'10), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 12-15, 2010, CSREA Press
R. Stahlbock, S. F. Crone, S. Lessmann (eds.) (2009) Proc. of The 2009 Intern. Conf. on Data Mining (DMIN'09), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 13-16, 2009, CSREA Press
R. Stahlbock, S. F. Crone, S. Lessmann, (2009), Data Mining - Special Issue in Annals of Information Systems, Vol. 8, 2010, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-1280-0, ISSN 1934-3221 [Springer]
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R. Stahlbock, S. F. Crone, S. Lessmann (eds.) (2007) Proc. of The 2007 Intern. Conf. on Data Mining (DMIN'07), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 25-28, 2007, CSREA Press
S. F. Crone, S. Lessmann, R. Stahlbock (eds.) (2006) Proc. of The 2006 Intern. Conf. on Data Mining (DMIN'06), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 26-29, 2006, CSREA Press
S. F. Crone, S. Lessmann, R. Stahlbock (associate eds.) (2005) Proc. of The 2005 Intern. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI'05), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 27-30, 2005, CSREA Press