Welcome to the SVI- endowed chair of Dialogue Marketing
Thank you for your interest in our chair. In our research and teaching we focus on the following topics:
- Customer Centricity (CC) & Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)
- International Marketing (IM)
We guarantee highly relevant topics in our research and teaching due to cooperations with various companies. We develop econometric methods together with our international research teams. To us, it plays an important role that these results are not only published, but actually implemented by companies and used to confer a competitive advantage.
The chair of Dialogue Marketing is endowed by the SVI and the Deutsche Post AG. Together with the University of Hamburg, our donators founded this chair to extend the teaching offers for students and to support the international research in Germany as well. Still, they give us room for freely choosing our research topics and our teaching structure.
We are looking forward to an intense dialogue with you and would be delighted to see you in our courses.