Generating Insights from Unstructured Data
12 October 2020, by Jochen Hartmann
Photo: private
Beginning of October, the DFG research unit hosted the third virtual workshop of 2020. The unifying theme of the meeting was "Generating Insights from Unstructured Data".
Three talks dealt with different aspects of applied text analysis. First, we were happy to welcome Prof. Francisco Villarroel Ordenes, from LUISS University in Rome, who talked about "Content Marketing and Complaint Resolution in Digital Channels: Insights from the Field". Next, Christian Siebert, PhD student from the University of Hamburg, presented his joint work with Prof. Mark Heitmann (Project A2) on "Unsupervised Brand Personality Extraction from Open Text". Lastly, Sven Stahlmann, PhD student from the University of Cologne, presented his joint work with Oliver Ettrich (Project A1) on "Deep Learning Enabled Consumer Research for Product Development". Overall, these three talks sparked engaging discussions among the more than 20 workshop participants.
The next DFG workshop will take place on Friday, January 15.