Dr. Malte Kurz
Ehemaliger wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Universität Hamburg
Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaft
Statistik mit Anwendung in der Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Research Interests
- Machine Learning
- Causal Inference
- High-Dimensional Statistics
- (Financial) Econometrics
- Dependence Modelling & Copulas
- Spanhel, F., und Kurz, M. S. (2019). Simplified vine copula models: Approximations based on the simplifying assumption. Electronic Journal of Statistics 13 (1), 1254-1291.
- Kurz, M. S. (2018). A note on low-dimensional Kalman smoothers for systems with lagged states in the measurement equation. Economics Letters 168, 42-45.
- Spanhel, F., und Kurz, M. S. (2016). The partial copula: Properties and associated dependence measures. Statistics & Probability Letters 119, 76-83.
Working Papers
- Kurz, M. S. (2021). Distributed Double Machine Learning with a Serverless Architecture. ArXiv Working Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.04025.
- Kurz, M. S., und Mittnik, S. (2018). Risk Assessment and Spurious Seasonality. Center for Quantitative Risk Analysis (CEQURA) Working Paper Number 19, https://ssrn.com/abstract=2990772.
- Kurz, M. S., und Spanhel, F. (2018). Testing the simplifying assumption in high-dimensional vine copulas. ArXiv Working Paper https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.02338.
- Python-Paket DoubleML: "Double Machine Learning in Python", verfügbar im Python Package Index (PyPI) https://pypi.org/project/DoubleML, Entwicklung auf GitHub https://github.com/DoubleML/doubleml-for-py, Dokumentation und User Guide https://docs.doubleml.org, mit P. Bach, V. Chernozhukov und M. Spindler.
- R-Paket DoubleML: "Double Machine Learning in R", verfügbar auf CRAN https://cran.r-project.org/package=DoubleML, Entwicklung auf GitHub https://github.com/DoubleML/doubleml-for-r, Dokumentation und User Guide https://docs.doubleml.org, mit P. Bach, V. Chernozhukov und M. Spindler.
- Python package DoubleML-Serverless "Distributed Double Machine Learning with a Serverless Architecture", verfügbar auf GitHub https://github.com/DoubleML/doubleml-serverless.
- R-Paket pacotest: "Testing for Partial Copulas and the Simplifying Assumption in Vine Copulas", verfügbar auf CRAN https://cran.r-project.org/package=pacotest und Entwicklung auf GitHub https://github.com/MalteKurz/pacotest.
- MATLAB Toolbox SSMwLS: State Space Model with Lagged State (SSMwLS) in the measurement equation, verfügbar auf GitHub https://github.com/MalteKurz/SSMwLS.
- MATLAB Toolbox VineCopulaMatlab: "A MATLAB toolbox for vine copulas based on C++", verfügbar auf GitHub https://github.com/MalteKurz/VineCopulaMatlab.
- C++ Bibliothek {VineCopulaCPP}: "A C++ library for vine copulas", verfügbar auf GitHub https://github.com/MalteKurz/VineCopulaCPP.
2018 | Ph.D. Statistics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München |
2013 | M.Sc. Statistics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München |
2011 | B.Sc. Mathematical Finance, Universität Konstanz |