Dr. Niels Müller-Wickop
Foto: Dr. Niels Müller-Wickop
Research Fellow
ITERGO Informationstechnologie GmbH
Victoriaplatz 2
40198 Düsseldorf
Wirtschaftsinformatik allgemein
IT-Governance, Risk und Compliance
EMOTEC - Empower Technical Customer Services
Cloud Computing in KMU - Management von Cloud Computing Lösungen in KMU (Obmann des Verfahrens)
Virtual Accounting Worlds - Methoden zur Softwareunterstützung der Revision bei der Prüfung von Geschäftsprozessen
- Gehrke, N.; Müller-Wickop, N.: Basic Principles of Financial Process Mining, Proceedings of the 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems, Lima, Peru, 2010
- Gehrke, N.; Müller-Wickop, N.: Rekonstruktion von Geschäftsprozessen im Finanzwesen mit Financial Process Mining, in: Lecture Notes in Informatics, Proceedings der Jahrestagung Informatik 2010, IT-supported Service Innovation and Service Improvement, Leipzig, Germany, 2010
- Müller-Wickop, N.; Schultz, M.; Gehrke, N.; Nüttgens, M.: Towards Automated Financial Process Auditing: Aggregation and Visualization of Process Models. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures, EMISA 2011, Hamburg, Germany, 2011
- Omland, J.; Gehrke, N., Müller-Wickop, N.: A Maturity Model for Segregation of Duties in Standard Business Software, in: Proceedings of the Governance and Sustainability in Information Systems. Managing the Transfer and Diffusion of IT - IFIP WG 8.6 International Working Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 2011
- Müller-Wickop, N.; Schultz, M.; Nüttgens, M.: XBRL: Impacts, Issues and Future Research Directions. In : Proceedings of the FinanceCom 2012, Barcelona, Spain, 2012
- Schultz, M.; Müller-Wickop, N.; Nüttgens, M.: Key Information Requirements for Process Audits – an Expert Perspective. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures, EMISA 2012, Vienna, Austria, 2012
- Werner, M.; Schultz, M.; Müller-Wickop, N.; Gehrke, N.; Nüttgens, M.: Tackling Complexity: Process Reconstruction and Graph Transformation for Financial Audits. Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Information Systems, Orlando, USA, 2012 (Research-in-Progress)
- Müller-Wickop, N.; Schultz, M.; Nüttgens, M.: Modeling Concepts for Process Audits – An Empirically Grounded Extension of BPMN, Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Information Systems, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2013
- Müller-Wickop, N.; Schultz, M.: ERP Event Log Preprocessing - Time Stamps vs. Accounting Logic, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST), Helsinki, Finland, 2013
- Müller-Wickop, N.; Schultz, M; Peris, M.: Towards Key Concepts for Process Audits – A Multi-Method Research Approach, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting and Logistics (ICESAL), Utrecht, Netherlands, 2013
- Schultz, M.; Müller-Wickop, N.: Towards Auditors’ Preferences on Documentation Formats in Business Process Audits. Modellierung 2014. Vienna, Austria, 2014
- Müller-Wickop, N.; Nüttgens, M.: Conceptual Model of Accounts - Closing the Gap between Financial Statements and Business Process Modeling. Modellierung 2014. Vienna, Austria, 2014
- Schultz, M.; Müller-Wickop, N.; Werner, M.; Nüttgens, M.: Geschäftsprozessorientierte Prüfung von IT-Systemen. HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 289, 2013
- Müller-Wickop, N.; Nüttgens, M.: Management von Cloud Computing-Lösungen in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU). DIN Mitteilungen, 12, 2013