Bachelor/Master Theses
Bachelor Thesis
The Chair Marketing & Branding regularly offers bachelor thesis topics. Applications for bachelor theses at the Institute of Marketing are submitted via STiNE every semester during fixed periods (April/May and October/November). You have the option of specifying preferences for individual professorships. Further information is available from the Academic office and this PDF (German language document).
Master Thesis
We have a central allocation of the master's thesis in the marketing area. Information on the application can be found below.
Or you can send us an informal mail of application (philip.sander"AT" In the next step, we will ask you for various information, in order to find a topic that meets your expectations as closely as possible. We will then add you to our pool of interested students. As soon as you have sent us your documents and a topic in the fields of interest you have indicated is available, we will contact you by email.
Please note that due to the high demand at the chair, we cannot guarantee that we can offer you a master thesis supervision.
In principle, students can submit their own proposals for master's theses on the main research topics of the chair. However, we cannot guarantee that that we can supervise the master thesis.
The Hinweisblatt zur Erstellung von wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten (information sheet for the preparation of scientific papers) (pdf) must be considered.
Two different forms of master thesis are offered (see announcement of the respective topic):
Type A: 50 (+ 2 pages of tolerance) in the familiar style with the usual support in the form of counselling interviews.
Type B: Maximum 30 pages in the style of a scientific working paper. Type B is particularly suitable for gifted, scientifically interested students. In view of the difficulty of presenting a 6-month master thesis topic on 30 pages, we offer to read an initial version of the thesis. This must be handed in at least 6 weeks before the official submission date. Reading the first version does not represent a final correction, but serves to point out potential for improvement with regard to argumentation, common thread, comprehensibility. If the work is very good, there is the possibility of a joint conference publication (the chair has the right to further use the results).
The Chair of Marketing & Branding at the Institute of Marketing offers intensive support and - with appropriate commitment and qualification - good grades.
Current Topics for Master Theses
There are no topics available at the moment. Please send proactive applications to Philip Sander(philip.sander"AT"
Central Allocation of Master Thesis
Central application for a master's thesis in marketing
Participating professorships:
- Chair of Marketing & Branding (Prof. Sattler)
- Chair of Marketing & Consumer Insight (Prof. Heitmann)
- Chair of Marketing & Media (Prof. Clement)
- Chair of Marketing & Pricing (Prof. Gedenk)
- SVI Endowed Chair of Dialogue Marketing (Prof. Peters)
Application deadlines: 30.01., 30.04., 30.07., 30.10.
Application documents:
- curriculum vitae
- transcript of records
- preference list for professorships
- desired start date of the master thesis
Please send your application documents to: Lisa Joerg ( Incomplete applications are not taken into account.
Allocation: Professorships are allocated according to preferences and capacities. It is highly likely that you will be assigned a master's thesis if
- you are studying marketing and
- your list of preferences includes all 5 professorships of the marketing area.
Further applications will be considered, provided that free capacities are available.
It is not possible to change between professorships once they have been allocated.
Topic: After the central assignment you agree on a topic with the professorship to which you have been assigned. In the case of the central master's thesis assignment, it may happen that you are given a random topic by the supervising professorship. If you have specific topic ideas, please contact one of the professors directly and do not apply for the central assignment.
Deadline for enrollment: Your master thesis must be registered at the latest within 3 months after allocation.
Introduction to research methods and the research process
When writing seminar papers and theses, the information sheet "Hinweise zur Erstellung von wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten (pdf)" (information sheet for the preparation of scientific papers) must be considered. Further you have the possibility to use a template [DOCX] , which helps you to handle the formal aspects of your thesis.