Chair of Marketing & Branding
Welcome to the Professorship of Marketing & Branding at the University of Hamburg Business School at the University of Hamburg.
The Professorship focuses on empirical and international research and teaching. Of particular importance is an exchange of knowledge between academia and practioneers, which is ensured by the Center for Marketing and Media / Wissenschaftliches Zentrum für Marketing und Medien (ZMM) among others. Research results are published in high-ranking international and national journals.
Central areas of activity are brand management (e.g. brand strategic options, brand evaluation), media management (e.g. marketing of hedonic media products, effects of file sharing activities on the profitability of media offerings), price management (e.g. pricing behaviour of customers, pricing) as well as market and consumer research (e.g. preference measurement using HIT conjoint analysis).
We are part of the Institute of Marketing which consists of the following professorships:
Professorship of Marketing & Branding (Prof Dr. Henrik Sattler)
Professorship of Marketing & Customer Insight (Prof. Dr. Mark Heitmann)
Professorship of Marketing & Media (Prof. Dr. Michel Clement)
Professorship of Marketing & Pricing (Prof. Dr. Karen Gedenk)
SVI-endowed Chair of Dialogue Marketing (Prof. Dr. Kay Peters)