Curt-Eisfeld-Bequest Library of the Sven-Eisfeld-Foundation
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Curt Eisfeld was the first professor of business administration at the Universität Hamburg, where he taught from 1928 – 1962.
The married couple Elisabeth and Curt Eisfeld have transferred all their assets to the Sven Eisfeld Foundation, which is administered by the University of Hamburg. The foundation commemorates the only child of the couple, the son Sven, who went missing in Russia during the Second World War.
The Curt Eisfeld Library contains approximately 3,500 volumes from the personal collection of Curt Eisfeld. In recent years, these volumes have been systematically compiled under the direction of Prof. Dr. Hartmut Schmidt and Prof. Dr. Henrik Sattler and his team with the support of the Sven Eisfeld Foundation and the University Library. The library is permanently accessible in the rooms of the Professorship of Prof. Dr. Henrik Sattler.
The books in the Curt Eisfeld Library are a reflection of their time. The collection ranges from works such as "Neuzeitliche Buchhaltungsmethoden unter Berücksichtigung der Maschinenbuchhaltung" from 1928 to titles such as "Der Großhandel in Putzmodewaren" from 1918, which makes the library interesting not only for economists but also for historians. In addition, the collection is to be supplemented in future by an extensive collection of press clippings on German and international banking from the years 1908 to 1944.
Collection areas: Business administration, economics, banking, accounting, statistics, commercial management including foreign trade, insurance management, politics.
Further information about Curt Eisfeld and his library can be found in the article Schmidt, H., H. Sattler und L. Raettig, "Curt Eisfeld und seine Bibliothek", in: Bankhistorisches Archiv 40, 2014, 1-2, 103-115.