Scientific Research in Information Systems: A Beginner's Guide (Second Edition)
ISBN 978-3-030-85435-5
Interview on this book
About this book
This book introduces higher-degree research students and early career academics to scientific research as occurring in the field of information systems and adjacent fields, such as computer science, management science, organization science, and software engineering. It covers the entire research process, from start to finish, placing particular emphasis on understanding aspects of research, such as motivation, modes of inquiry, theorising, planning for research, planning for publication, and ethical challenges in research. The book guides beginning researchers in their quest to do scholarly work and assists them in developing their own answers and strategies.
The book explains the fundamental concepts that govern scientific research. It then moves on to introduce the basic steps: choosing research questions, developing theory, building a research design, employing research methods, and finally writing academic papers. The book also covers essentials of ethical conduct of scientific research. This second edition contains major updates on all these elements and significant expansions to several chapters.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Information Systems Research as a Science
- Planning Your Research
- Theorising
- Research Methods
- Writing IS Research Articles
- Ethical Considerations in Research
- Concluding Remarks
"It focuses on the entire research process from start to finish and provides a guide not only for the methods, but for the 'process of learning the life of a researcher.' This well-written and easy-to-read book consists of eight chapters, divided into three parts. Each chapter ends with a list of references for further reading on each subject, totaling 200 in all. ... The book is intended primarily for doctoral students and young scholars in the field of information systems."
Alexei Botchkarev, ACM Computing Reviews, December 2012.
"...Gerade junge Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden werden sehr von diesem Buch profitieren ... allen Doktoranden in der Wirtschaftsinformatik, besonders am Anfang ihres wissenschaftlichen Projektes, sowie ihren Betreuern zur Verwendung in Kursen des Doktorandenstudiums."
Roland Holten, Business & Information Systems Engineering, March 2013.
"Für Wirtschaftsinformatiker eine Pflichtlektüre. Egal ob Bachelorarbeit, Masterarbeit oder erst während der Promotion. Dieses Buch sollte man gelesen haben!"
Volker Frehe, Instructor Review, April 2013.
"Great overview and useful advice, particularly about writing and publishing papers."
Amanda Helliwell, University of Canberra, Australia
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