Dr. Besarta Veseli

Photo: Boris Rostami-Rabet
Post-Doc Researcher / Assistant Professor
Office hours
- At all times after registration by email
Research Focus
- Social Innovation
- Social Marketing
- Prosocial Behavior
- Blood Donation Marketing & Donor Management
- Automated Communication & Personal Voice Assistants
Besarta Veseli is a Post-Doctoral Researcher and Assistant Professor at the Chair of Marketing & Media, University of Hamburg. She received her Ph.D. (Dr. rer. oec.) with summa cum laude in Business Administration with her dissertation on "Driving Prosocial Behavior with Marketing Interventions: Empirical Studies on Social Marketing" from the University of Hamburg in 2023. Besarta graduated with a Master of Science in Business Administration (Major: Marketing) in 2017 and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Major: Statistics) in 2013 from the University of Hamburg. Besarta is a quantitative researcher with extensive experience in large-scale experiments. Her research focuses on social innovation, social marketing, prosocial behavior and donor management. Prior to her research, Besarta gained practical experience through engagements in the media and technology industry in Hamburg and London (Apple UK, XING, Cinemaxx, Warner Music).
- Koch, E., A. Leiße, B. Veseli, J. Jensen, M. Spekman, E.-M. Merz, E. Shehu, J.-B. Thibert, A. Beurel-Trehan, M. Leblond, M. Oesterer, P. Kluge, D. Forioso, and M. Clement (2024), "Incentives for plasma donation", Vox Sanguinis. Publication
- Shehu, Edlira, Besarta Veseli, Michel Clement, and Karen Page Winterich (2023), "Improving Blood Donor Retention and Donor Relationships with Past Donation Use Appeals", Journal of Service Research. Publication
- Veseli, Besarta, Sabrina Sandner, Sinika Studte, and Michel Clement (2022), “The Impact of COVID-19 on Blood Donations”, PLoS ONE, 17 (3): e0265171. Publication
- Veseli, Besarta, Elena Koch, Meikel Soliman, Sabrina Sandner, Sinika Studte, and Michel Clement (2021): The role of affect, satisfaction, and internal drive on personal moral norms during COVID-19, ISBT Science Series, 16(2), 158-167. Publication
- Tutorial to lecture Media Management (B.Sc.)
- Tutorial to lecture Media Economics (B.Sc.)
- Tutorial to lecture eBusiness (M.Sc.)
- Tutorial to colloquium of social psychological theories in marketing (M.Sc.)
- Seminar Media Management (B.Sc.)
- Seminar Trends & Fashion (B.Sc.)
- Seminar eBusiness (M.Sc.)
- Supervision of Theses (B.Sc. and M.Sc.)