Our research focuses in particular on (1) marketing for international entertainment products, (2) innovative media technologies and business models for digital products and services, (3) customer management and (4) blood donation marketing. Our research program is particularly characterized by the numerous research collaboration.
Furthermore, the chair is currently involved in the following research projects:
Study on the future of music use
The long-term study on the development of music use in Germany, conducted in several survey waves, provides a well-founded analysis of how music is discovered, purchased and consumed in Germany now and in the future. The study is a representative panel survey conducted in six waves. The first wave of the survey took place in August 2018 - the subsequent waves are surveyed every six months. For the first wave, 5,140 people living in Germany aged 16 to 70 were surveyed about their music usage, search and purchasing behavior. An online questionnaire serves as the survey instrument.
The study was commissioned by Germany's most important music industry associations and institutions:
- Bundesverband der Konzert- und Veranstaltungswirtschaft e.V. (BDKV)
- Bundesverband Musikindustrie e. V. (BVMI)
- Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungs- und mechanische Vervielfältigungsrechte (GEMA)
- Gesellschaft zur Verwertung von Leistungsschutzrechten (GVL)
- Live Musik Kommission - Verband der Musikspielstätten in Deutschland e.V. (LIVEKOMM)
- SOMM - Society Of Music Merchants e. V. (SOMM)
- Verband unabhängiger Musikunternehmer*innen e.V. (VUT )
The study is supported by "Amt Medien der Hamburger Behörde für Kultur und Medien" and "Initiative Musik gGmbH". Prof. Dr. Michel Clement, Professor of Markeing & Media at the Institute of Marketing of the University of Hamburg Business School, is the scientific director of the study.
DFG research group "Marketing hedonic media products in the context of digital social media"
With the project "Marketing hedonic media products in the context of digital social media", a purely business research group is funded by the DFG for the first time. The research group examines, among other things, how companies for marketing communication can build and design social networks, how extreme forms of negative word of mouth ("trash talk" and "shitstorms") influence the value of brands or how brands are valued using virtual exchanges and crowdfunding mechanisms in social media can. The project is designed for 6 years (2014-2020) and will be funded with approximately 1.5 million euros. More information can be found here.
TRANSPOSE (TRANSfusion and transplantation: PrOtection and SElection of donors)
TRANPOSE is a research project co-financed by the European Commission, in which representatives from 16 EU countries are involved. The aim of the project is to standardize the European selection and protection guidelines for donors, combined with SoHo donations (Substances of Human Origin). The project has a duration of 30 months (September 2017 - March 2020). More information can be found here.