Prof. Gerrit van Bruggen Professor of Marketing, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
"Marketing and the Connected Customer"
Prof. Els Gijsbrechts Professor of Marketing, Tilburg University
"Navigating the Last Mile in Grocery Shopping: The Click and Collect Format"
Prof. Leonard Lee Associate Professor of Marketing, NUS Business School "Reducing Peak-Hour Subway Crowding: Investigating the Effectiveness of Financial Disincentives"
Prof. Martin Spann Professor of Marketing, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich
"Location-Dependent Crowd Work"
Marketing Camp October 2016, Hamburg
Prof. Klaus Wertenbroch Professor of Marketing at INSEAD
"The Social Justice of Income (In)equality: Preferences for Redistribution and Conspicuous Consumption"
Prof. Marnik Dekimpe Professor of Marketing at Tilburg University
"Global Private-Label Convergence: Fact or Fiction?"
Prof. Oded Königsberg Associate Professor of Marketing at London Business School
"Price and Quality Decisions by Self-Serving Managers"
Prof. Barak Libai Professor of Marketing at Arison School of Business, Herzliya
"Growth and Popularity in Markets for New Digital Products"
Marketing Camp 2015, Cologne
Prof. Caroline Wiertz Professor of Marketing, Cass Business School, City University of London
"Advertising to Early Trend Propagators? Evidence from Twitter"
Prof. Arvind Rangaswamy Anchel Professor of Marketing, The Smeal College of Business, Penn State University
"Bayesian Approaches to Modeling Marketing Processes Using Online Data: The Structure and Evolution of User Reviews and Consideration Sets"
Prof. Hannes Datta Assistant Professor of Marketing, Tilburg School of Economics and Management, Tilburg University
"Variety in the Age of Access: How Spotify changes the music economy"
Prof. Christoph Fuchs Professor of Marketing at TUM School of Management and Visiting Professor at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
"The Value of Marketing Crowdsourced New Products: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment"
Marketing Camp Januar 2014, Hamburg
Prof. Elisabeth Brüggen Associate Professor of Marketing at Maastricht University
"Establishing the accuracy of online panels for survey research"
Prof. Peter Ebbes Associate Professor of Marketing at HEC, Paris
"Methods for sampling social networks: the good, the bad, the ugly"
Prof. Martin Klarmann Professor of Marketing at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
"Shallow communicators vs. meticulour specialists? Exploring the departmental cultures of marketing, sales, and R&D"
Prof. Ernst C. Osinga Assistant Professor of Marketing at Singapore Management University
"Low basket prices of high discounts: What drives consumer store choice?"
Marketing Camp Dezember 2012, Cologne
Prof. Dominik Papies Professor of Marketing at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen
"The Times They Are a -Changin' - The Increasing Role of Concerts in the Music Industry"
Prof. Koen Pauwels Associate Professor of Business Administration, Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth
"How Wrong Are Last-Click Methods?"
Prof. Jaap Wieringa Professor of Research Methods in Business at University of Groningen
"GMOK: A Generalized Mixture of Kalman Filters Model for Customer Churn Prediction"
Marketing Camp Dezember 2011, Hamburg
Prof. Nailya Ordabayeva Associate Professor of Marketing at Boston College
"Economic Beliefs and Preferences for Conspicuous Consumption"
Prof. Christian Ringle Professor at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)
"An Assessment of the Use of Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling in Marketing Research"
Prof. Florian Stahl Professor of Marketing, Universität Mannheim
"Optimal Sampling of Paid Content"
Prof. Caroline Wiertz Professor of Marketing at Cass Business School, London
"Does Microblogging Word-of-Mouth Impact Consumer Adoption of New Products? Investigating the 'Twitter Effect' for the Movie Industry"
Marketing Camp 2011, Hamburg
Prof. Barak Libai
Professor of Marketing, Arison School of Business, Interdisciplinary Center, Herzlyia, Israel
"Acceleration and Acquisition in Word-of-Mouth Programs"
Prof. Nina Mazar
Professor Marketing Ethics, University of Boston
"The challenge of green consumer behavior: Licensing and other side-effects"
Prof. Florian von Wangenheim Professor für Technologiemarketing, ETH, Zürich
"Are Two better than One? - The Effect of Advertiser Competition and Paid Search on Free Click Through Behavior"
Prof. Thorsten Wiesel Professor of Marketing, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
"Marketing's Profit Impact: Quantifying Online and Offline Funnel Progression"
Marketing Camp 2010, Köln
Prof. Bram Foubert Associate Professor am Marketing Department an der Universität Maastricht (Niederlande)
"Extreme Makeover: Short- and Long-Term Effects of a Remodeled Servicescape"
Dr. Sonja Gensler
Researcher and Lecturer, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
"Listen to Your Customers! Using Consumer-Generated Content to Elecit Brand Image"
Prof. Dominik Papies Professor of Marketing at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen
"Innovators are human, too - A new perspective on social influence in innovative consumer behavior"
Prof. Arvind Rangaswamy Senior Associate Dean for Research and Faculty at Pennsylvania State University/USA
"Methods for Sampling Social Networks: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly"
Marketing Camp 2009, Hamburg
Prof. Christian Barrot
Professor of Marketing and Innovation, Kühne Logistics University, Hamburg
"Acceleration and Acquisition in Word-of-Mouth Programs"
Prof. Pradeep K. Chintagunta
Robert Law Professor of Marketing and the Director of the Ph.D. programm at the Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago
"Complementarities and the Demand for Home Broadband Internet Services"
Prof. Barbara Deleersnyder Associate Professor an der Tilburg University, Department of Marketing
"How to Mitigate Private-Label Success in Recessions? A Cross-Category Investigation"
Marketing Camp 2008, Köln
Prof. Andreas Eggert
Professor of Marketing, Universität Paderborn
"Sizing and Slicing the Value Pie in Collaborative Relationships"
Prof. Zeynep Gürhan Canli
Professor of Marketing an der Koc University, Istanbul/Türkei
"Complementary or Supplementary? The Impact of Co-branding Strategies and Concept Combination Styles on Brand Evaluations"
Prof. Thorsten Hennig-Thurau Professor of Marketing and Media Research an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster
"Movie Buzz: A Study of the Consequences and Drivers of Consumers' Anticipation of New Motion Pictures"
Prof. Werner Reinartz Professor of Marketing, Universität zu Köln
"The Role of Customer Attitutes in CRM Activities"
Marketing Camp 2007, Köln
Prof. Kusum Ailawadi
Professor of Marketing, Tuck at Dartmouth
"The Relationship Between Store Brand Use and Store Loyalty"
Prof. Marnik Dekimpe
Research Professor of Marketing at Tilburg University, Niederlande
"Dancing With a Giant: The Effect of Wal-Mart's Entry on European Retailing"
Prof. Martin Natter
Professor of Marketing, University of Zurich
"Outdoor Advertising Media: Impacts on Image, Awareness and Sales"
Prof. Martin Spann
Institut für Electronic Commerce und Digitale Märkte, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
"Skimming or Penetration? Test of Dynamic Pricing Strategies for New Products"
Marketing Camp 2006, Hamburg
Prof. Michel Clement
Professor für Marketing und Medienmanagment, Universität Hamburg
"Measuring the impact of unexpected innovation success on shareholder value - How do investors react on box office results of new movies?"
Prof. Thorsten Posselt Professor für Innovationsmanagement und Innovationsökonomie, Universität Leipzig
"Shipping fees and restocking fees: Are they related?"
Prof. Peter Verhoef Professor of Marketing at Universität Groningen, Niederlande
"The Short- and Long-term Impact of an Assortment Reduction on Category Sales"
Prof. Klaus Wertenbroch Professor of Marketing at INSEAD, Frankreich
"On the Perceived Value of Money: The Reference Dependence of Currency Numerosity Effects"
Marketing Camp 2005, Köln
Prof. Els Gijsbrechts
Professor of Marketing at the University of Tilburg, Niederlande
"Beyond Promotion-based Store Switching: Antecedents and Consequences of Systematic Multiple Store Shopping"
Prof. Gilles Laurent
Professor of Marketing at the HEC School of Management, Frankreich
Prof. Nader T. Tavasolli Professor of Marketing at the London Business School
"Spoken and Written Attitudes and Memories"
Prof. Franziska Völckner Professor of Marketing, Universität zu Köln
"Empirical Evidence of Hypothetical Bias in Measuring Consumers' Willingness to Pay"