The study module "Mentoring bewegt Karrieren" of the Mentoring Program has been developed and launched in 2019 in cooperation with the University of Hamburg Business School and the Exist funding as part of the program "Potenziale heben" and is thereby aimed at selected young professionals: students in the master's program and doctoral students.
Starting in the summer semester of 2022, PhD students and postdocs can also apply for mentoring through the Hamburg Research Academy (HRA).
The applications are reviewed in advance by employees of the Institute for Marketing and subsequently forwarded to the team of the Universitäts-Gesellschaft Hamburg. Based on the application documents and a structured interview, a selection is made and an appropriate match between mentee and mentor is ensured.
The mentoring program is designed for a total of one year and should include at least three meetings during this period to enable an intensive and successful exchange.
A simultaneous membership for the Universitäts-Gesellschaft Hamburg for students with an annual fee of 20 € for the duration of the mentoring is desired.
For more information, please visit the mentoring page of Universitäts-Gesellschaft Hamburg.
Key facts on the application
Students in the Master's program and doctoral students of the Faculty of Business Administration at the University of Hamburg and interdisciplinary doctoral students and postdocs via the HRA should send their applications to mentoring.ugh"AT" by December 18, 2024.
The following documents are requested for your application:
- CV
- Letter of motivation (max. one DIN A4 page) with:
- Your professional wishes and goals
- Your leadership experience
- Questions for the mentor
- What you expect from the mentoring program
- Declaration of consent for temporary storage of your data
Contact persons:
Dr. Silke Richter(mentoring.ugh"AT", Universitäts-Gesellschaft Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Michel Clement(michel.clement"AT", Management Transfer Lab, Institut für Marketing
Dr. Kerstin Lange( kerstin.lange"AT", Hamburg Research Academy