Awards for the best final thesis on ethics, responsibility, and sustainability
3 May 2023
Photo: UHH/Feuerböther
Ethical and responsible action and sustainability are more important than ever for society at large. They are also important personal and educational goals in our degree programs.
To foster interest in these topics, the Faculty of Business Administration (Hamburg Business School) is now conferring awards for the best final theses on ethical issues and problems and solutions related to sustainability or responsible social action. The awards will be granted once every semester. The 2 awards of €500 each will be granted for the best master's thesis in the master's program for business administration and the best bachelor's thesis in the bachelor's program in business administration. They are being sponsored by MAZARS, for which we are grateful. The awards will be presented at the respective graduation ceremonies for the degree programs.
Students can apply for the award up to 6 weeks before their graduation ceremony (next graduation ceremony: 30 June 2023; application deadline: 19 May 2023) at studiendekanat.bwl"AT" providing they have completed their final thesis and the thesis has already been evaluated. Provide your name, enrollment number, and your thesis topic. Your first and second reviewers can also nominate you for the award. Awards will be granted based on topic relevance and final grade. We look forward to many innovative and high-quality thesis on sustainability and responsibility!