Forms to download
The following pages provice information about the services offered by the Academic Office in the Department of Business Administration. To download documents, please click on the corresponding links. If you encounter difficulties in finding what you need, try using the keyword search or contacting our Servicepoint during opening hours.
General information:
- Form for providing examination in incapacity [PDF] (in German only)
- Application for preliminary examination/recognition of study and examination achievements [PDF] (in German only)
- Information sheet for applying for preliminary examination/recognition [PDF] (in German only)
- Explanatory Notes on the Transcript of Records (English) [PDF]
- Application for issuance of a duplicate [PDF] (in German only)
- Application for issuance of graduation documents [PDF] (in German only)
Business Administration, B.Sc.:
- Application for admission to bachelor's thesis [PDF] (in German only)
- Information sheet: Bachelor's thesis [PDF] (in German only)
Business Administration, M.Sc.:
- Application for admission to master's thesis [PDF] (in German only)
- Information sheet: Master's thesis in M.Sc. BWL [PDF] (in German only)
Handelslehramt/ Commercial Teaching (teacher training in commerce and business program, HDL):
- Application for admission to bachelor's theisis [PDF] (in German only)