Degree program teams
Course and examination management
Examination and course managers are contact persons for:
- management of your course account
- support with registration, changing registration, and withdrawal from courses
- support with registration, changing registration, and withdrawal from examinations
- accepting applications, for example, BaföG applications
- preparing Transcripts of Records and achievement certificates
- your registration for the final thesis
- preparing diplomas
If you are unsure which area of responsibility your concern falls in, simply ask at the Service Point.
Please note that the examination and course managers for interdisciplinary degree programs may have different responsibilities.
Subject coordination and subject advising
Degree program coordinators and subject advisors are contact persons for:
- subject advising
- advising appointments for organizing and planning your studies
- assistance with drawing up study plans and the like
- advising on the legal conditions of your studies (e.g., examination and academic regulations)
- advising on your degree program and requirements and questions about extending your studies
- recognition of examination grades from Germany and abroad
- clarifying cases of cheating and/or deception
- advising for prospective students
- advising for outgoing students on planning their studies for an academic semester abroad
- helping outgoing students complete a Learning Agreement
- advising on changing academic programs
If you are unsure which area of responsibility your concern falls in, simply ask at the Service Point.
Team for the BSc in Business Administration
Degree program coordinators / subject advisors
Areas of responsibility: subject advising, recognition of examination grades, clarifying cases of cheating and/or deception, and advising prospective students
Ilka Struck (last names A-Hi)
Kirsten Schmidt (last names Ho-Q)
Maren Hillmann (née Sennhenn) (last names R-Z)
Examination managers / course managers
Areas of responsibility: management of your course account, for example, adapting your course account, and registration for the final thesis
Lorena Serrate Estévez (last names A-E)
Annika Stoldte (last names F-Kl)
Hilke Möller (last name Kn-Pe)
Alexandra Hoch (last names Ph-Z)
Team for the MSc in Business Administration
Degree program coordinators / subject advisors
Areas of responsibility: subject advising, recognition of examination grades, clarifying cases of cheating and/or deception, and advising prospective students
Marina Saisaler (last names A-L)
Lucía Santos Fernández de Loaysa (last names M-Z)
Examination managers / course managers
Areas of responsibility: management of your course account, for example, adapting your course account, and registration for the final thesis
Elif Altun (last names A-J)
Marcel Blume (last names K-Z)
Team for the Diplom in Business Administration including business administration as a minor (Diplom and Magister)
Degree program coordinator / subject advisor
Areas of responsibility: subject advising, recognition of examination grades, clarifying cases of cheating and/or deception, and advising prospective students
Examination manager / course manager
Areas of responsibility: management of your course account, for example, deleting examination attempts in your Diplom and adapting your course account, and registration for the final thesis
Elif Altun (last names A-H)
Marcel Blume (last names I-Z)
Team for business administration as a minor (BA)
Please contact the Socioeconomics Academic Office:
If you started your studies before the winter semester 2013/14 please contact the Team B Sc in Business Administration.
Erasmus / incoming students
Degree program coordinator / subject advisor
Areas of responsibility: subject advising, recognition of examination grades, clarifying cases of cheating and/or deception, and advising prospective students
Lucía Santos Fernández de Loaysa
Examination manager / course manager
Areas of responsibility: management of your course account, for example, deleting examination attempts in your Diplom and adapting your course account, and registration for the final thesis
Team for information systems (BSc/MSc)
Degree program coordinator / subject advisor
Areas of responsibility: subject advising, recognition of examination grades, clarifying cases of cheating and/or deception, and advising prospective students
Examination managers / course managers
Areas of responsibility: management of the courses and examinations for business administration in STiNE and advising on examination-related dates and deadlines specific to business administration
Lorena Serrate Estévez (last names A-E)
Annika Stoldte (last names F-Kl)
Hilke Möller (last names Kn-Pe)
Alexandra Hoch (last names Ph-Z)
Elif Altun (last names A-J)
Marcel Blume (last names K-Z)
Team for information systems (Diplom)
Degree program coordinator / subject advisor
Areas of responsibility: subject advising, recognition of examination grades, clarifying cases of cheating and/or deception, and advising prospective students
To be named
Examination managers / course managers
Areas of responsibility: management of the courses and examinations for business administration in STiNE and advising on examination-related dates and deadlines specific to business administration
Elif Altun (last names A-J)
Marcel Blume (last names K-Z)
Team for business engineering (BSc/MSc)
Degree program coordinator / subject advisor
Areas of responsibility: subject advising, recognition of examination grades, clarifying cases of cheating and/or deception, and advising prospective students
Study Coordination / Departmental Advisory Service for the Bachelor`s degree programme in Industrial Engineering
Examination managers / course managers
Areas of responsibility: management of the courses and examinations for business administration in STiNE and advising on examination-related dates and deadlines specific to business administration
The website of the HWI, the examination office and the contacts to the engineering science can be found at:
Team for teacher training in the commerce and business program (BSc/MEd/Staatsexamen (state examination))
Degree program coordinator / subject advisor
Areas of responsibility: subject advising, recognition of examination grades, clarifying cases of cheating and/or deception, and advising prospective students
Examination managers / course managers
Areas of responsibility: management of your course account, for example, adapting your course account, and registration for the final thesis
Lorena Serrate Estévez (last names A-E)
Annika Stoldte (last names F-Kl)
Hilke Möller (last names Kn-Pe)
Alexandra Hoch (last names Ph-Z)
Elif Altun (last names A-J)
Marcel Blume (last names K-Z)
Team for business mathematics (BSc/MSc/Diplom)
Degree program coordinator / subject advisor
Areas of responsibility: subject advising, recognition of examination grades, clarifying cases of cheating and/or deception, and advising prospective students
Lucía Santos Fernández de Loaysa
Examination managers / course managers
Areas of responsibility: management of the courses and examinations for business administration in STiNE and advising on examination-related dates and deadlines specific to business administration
Lorena Serrate Estévez (last names A-E)
Annika Stoldte (last names F-Kl)
Hilke Möller (last names Kn-Pe)
Alexandra Hoch (last names Ph-Z)
Elif Altun (last names A-J)
Marcel Blume (last names K-Z)