Knowledge Database
In zahlreichen Forschungsprojekten haben die Wissenschaftler:innen der Business School fundierte wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse im Bereich der Gründungsforschung gewonnen. Diese Publikationen befassen sich unter anderem mit
- innovativen Geschäftsmodellen
- Unternehmensgründungsprozessen
- Gründungsfinanzierung
- Auswirkungen von Krisen auf die Geschäftsaktivitäten dieser Unternehmen
Die einschlägige Literatur kann Gründer:innen oder Gründungsinteressierten, die eine fundierte Beratung für ihr individuelles Vorhaben suchen, wertvolles Know-how und Impulse liefern. Nachfolgend findet Ihr eine Übersicht über thematische Veröffentlichungen.
- Jahr
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- : Titel
Lehmann, J., Recker, J., Yoo, Y. and Rosenkranz, C. . “Designing Digital Market Offerings: How Digital Ventures Navigate the Tension Between Generative Digital Technology and the Existing Environment”. MIS Quarterly forthcoming. (2022)
Lehmann, J. and Recker, J.. “Offerings That are “Ever-in-the-Making”: How Digital Ventures Continuously Develop Their Products After Launch”. Business & Information Systems Engineering In Press. (2021) Publication
Von Briel, F., Davidsson, P. and Recker, J.. “What To Do During Downtime? How Time Injections From Crises Influence New Venture Creation”. 2021 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (2021)
Kleen, C.; Meschenmoser, N.. “Betriebswirtschaftliche Würdigung der außersteuerlichen Corona-Maßnahmen aus der Perspektive von Start-up Unternehmen”. DStR – Deutsches Steuerrecht 555–564. (2021)
Kleen, C.. “Eignungs- und Wirkungsanalyse der ertragsteuerlichen Corona-Maßnahmen aus der Perspektive von Start-up-Unternehmen”. DStR – Deutsches Steuerrecht (2021): S. 494–503.
von Briel, F., Recker, J., Selander, L., Hukal, P., Jarvenpaa, S., Yoo, Y., Lehmann, J., Chan, Y., Rothe, H., Alpar, P., Fuerstenau, D., Wurm, B. . “Researching Digital Entrepreneurship: Current Issues and Suggestions for Future Directions”. Communications of the Association for Information Systems 48(33). (2021): S. 284-304.Publication
Von Briel, F. and Recker, J. . “How New Venture Ideas Become Successful: The Untold Story Of Achieving Product-market Fit”. 2021 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (2021)
Barg, J.; Drobetz, W.; Momtaz, P.. “Valuing Start-Up Firms: A Reverse-Engineering Approach for Fair-Value Multiples from Venture Capital Transactions”. Finance Research Letters 43(1). (2021) Publication
Lehmann, J., Recker, J. . “Offerings that are “Ever-in-the-Making”: Post-Launch Continuous Digital Innovation in Late-Stage Entrepreneurial Ventures”. 2021 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (2021)
Davidsson, P., Recker, J. and von Briel, F. . “COVID-19 as External Enabler of entrepreneurship practice and research”. Business Research Quarterly 24(3). (2021): S. 214-223.Publication
Stahlbock, R.; Heilig, L; Cammin, P. J. R.; Voß, S.. “Blockchain in der maritimen Logistik”. Blockchain. 1. Springer, 2020, S. 235–256.
Davidsson, P., Recker, J. and von Briel, F. . “External Enablement of New Venture Creation: A Framework”. Academy of Management Perspectives 34(3). (2020): S. 311-332.Publication
Schulz, P.; Shehu, E.; Clement, M.. “When Consumers can Return Digital Products: Influence of Firm- and Consumer-Induced Communication on the Returns and Profitability of News Articles”. International Journal of Research in Marketing 36(3). (2019): S. 454–470.Publication
Recker, J., von Briel, F.. “The Future of Digital Entrepreneurship Research: Existing and Emerging Opportunities”. 40th International Conference on Information Systems (2019)
Von Briel, F., Recker, J. and Davidsson, P. . “Not All Digital Venture Ideas are Created Equal: Implications for Venture Creation Processes”. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 27(4). (2018): S. 278–295.Publication
Von Briel, F., Davidsson, P. and Recker, J. . “Digital Technologies as External Enablers of New Venture Creation in the IT Hardware Sector”. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice 42(1). (2018): S. 47–69.Publication
Davidsson, P., Recker, J., von Briel, F.. “Characteristics, Roles and Mechanisms of External Enablers in New Venture Creation Processes: A Framework”. AOM Annual Meeting (2017)
Von Briel, F. and Recker, J. . “The Dual Nature of Information Systems in Enabling a New Wave of Hardware Ventures: Towards a Theory”. 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (2016)
Milstein, R.; Blankart, C. R. . “The Health Care Strengthening Act: The Next Level of Integrated Care in Germany”. Health Policy 120(5). (2016): S. 445–451.Publication
Becker, J. U.; Michel C.; Markus N.. “Start-Ups, Incumbents, and the Effects of Takeover Competition”. Journal of Business Research 69(12). (2016): S. 5925-5933.Publication