Forschung an der Business School
Die Business School konzentriert sich auf quantitative und empirische Forschung. Die Forschenden nutzen in der Regel echte Unternehmens-Datensätze (Big Data) und Data-Science-Ansätze, um schwierige Fragen des betriebswirtschaftlichen Managements zu lösen.
Im Wirtschaftswoche Ranking 2024, dem wichtigsten nationalen Ranking für Unternehmens- und Wirtschaftsforschung, belegte die University of Hamburg Business School den dritten Platz in Deutschland und den sechsten Platz im deutschsprachigen Raum.
Interdisziplinär und praxisnah:
Unser Fokus
Unsere Schwerpunkte
Die University of Hamburg Business School hat 29 Professor:innen verteilt auf Schwerpunkte sowie zwei schwerpunktübergreifende Professuren.
Aktuelle Top-Publikationen
Aktuelle Artikel in führenden Fachzeitschriften, die entweder in der Financial Times Research Rank-Liste oder als A oder A+ Zeitschriften im VHB-JOURQUAL3 aufgeführt sind.
- Insurance demand in the presence of loss-dependent background risk. Hinck, S., Steinorth, P., Journal of Risk and Insurance. 2023
- Foreign bias in institutional portfolio allocation: the role of social trust. Dobretz, W., Mönkemeyer, M., Requejo, I., Schröder, H., Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 2023
- Jumping the queue: Willingness to pay for faster access to COVID-19 vaccines in seven European countries. Neumann-Böhme, S., Brinkmann, C., Stargardt, T., Schreyögg, J., PhamacoEconomics. 2023
- Improving blood donor retention and donor relationships with past donation use appeals. Shehu, E., Veseli, B., Clement, M., Journal of Service Research. 2023
- Marvelous advertising returns? A meta-analysis of advertising elasticities in the entertainment industry. Burmester-Hofmann, A., Clement, M., Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 2023
- Offset or reduce: how should firms implement carbon footprint reduction initiatives? Roemer, N., Voigt, G., Production and Operations Management. 2023
- Fixed set search applied to the clique partitioning problem. Voß, S., European Journal of Operational Research. 2023
- The balanced maximally diverse grouping problem with attribute values. Schulz, A., Discrete Applied Mathematics. 2023
- Environmental change, strategic entrepreneurial action, and success. Recker, J., Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. 2023
- Minimizing the expected waiting time of emergency jobs. Schulz, A., Fliedner, M., Journal of Scheduling. 2023
- Consequences of platforms' remuneration models for digital content: initial evidence and a research agenda for streaming services. Clement, M., Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 2023
- Exclusivity strategies for digital products across digital and physical markets. Seifert, R., Otten, C., Clement, M., Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 2023
- Health insurers’ use of quality improvement expenses to achieve a minimum medical loss ratio requirement. Steinorth, P., Journal of Risk and Insurance. 2023
- More than a feeling: accuracy and application of sentiment analysis. Hartmann, J., Heitmann, M., Schamp, C., International Journal of Research in Marketing. 2023
- Keeping pace with the digital age: Envisioning information systems research as a platform. Recker, J., Journal of Information Technology. 2023
- A choice-based optimization approach for contracting in supply chains. Roemer, N., Voigt, G., European Journal of Operational Research. 2023
- Foreign institutional investors, legal origin, and corporate greenhouse gas emissions disclosure. Döring, S., Drobetz, W., Schröder, H. Journal of Business Ethics. 2023
- The effectiveness of cause-related marketing: a meta-analysis on consumer responses. Schamp, C., Heitmann, M., Bijmolt, H., Katzenstein, R., Journal of Marketing Research. 2023
- Lessons, narratives, and research directions for a sustainable circular economy. Blomsma, F., Journal of Industrial Ecology. 2023
- Health effects of a ban on late-night alcohol sales. Bäuml, M., Marcus, J., Siedler, T., Health Economics. 2023
- Designing Digital Market Offerings: How Digital Ventures Navigate the Tension Between Generative Digital Technology and the Existing Environment. Lehmann, J., Recker, J., Yoo, Y., Rosenkranz, C. MIS Quarterly. 2022
- How One Company Used Data to Create Sustainable Take-out Food Packaging. Bockelmann, T., & Recker, J., Harvard Business Review. 2022
- Beyond the bubble: will NFTs and digital proof of ownership empower creative industry entrepreneurs? Chalmers, D., Fisch, C., Matthews, R., Quinn, W., & Recker, J., Journal of Business Venturing Insights. 2022
- From Lock-in to Transformation: A Path-Centric Theory of Emerging Technology and Organizing. Pentland, B. T., Yoo , Y., Recker, J., & Kim, I., Organization Science. 2022
- The Effectiveness of Cause-Related Marketing: A Meta-Analysis on Consumer Responses. Schamp, C., Heitmann, M., Bijmolt, T. H. A., & Katzenstein, R. F., Journal of Marketing Research. 2022
- The Power of Brand Selfies. Hartmann J., Heitmann M., Schamp C., Netzer O. Journal of Marketing Research. 2021.
- Active factor completion strategies. Dichtl, H., Drobetz, W., Lohre, H., Rother, C. Journal of Portfolio Management. 2021
- Capacity Reservation and Wholesale Price Contracts under Forecast Sharing: A Behavioral Assessment. Schiffels, S., Voigt, G. Production and Operations Management. 2021
- Short-term vs. Long-term Contracting: Empirical Assessment of the Ratchet Effect in Supply Chain Interaction. Johnsen, L. C., Sadrieh, A., Voigt, G. Production and Operations Management. 2021
- Leveraging Brand Equity for Effective Visual Product Design. Heitmann M., Landwehr J. R., Schreiner T. F., van Heerde H. J. Journal of Marketing Research. 2020.
- Referral Reward Size and New Customer Profitability. Wolters, H. M., Schulze, C., Gedenk, K. Marketing Science. 2020
- The Effect of Communication Media on Information Sharing in Supply Chains. Johnsen, L. C., Voigt, G., Weimann, J. Production and Operations Management. 2020
Jedes Jahr veröffentlichen die Forscher:innen mehr als 20 Artikel zu den Nachhaltigkeitszielen (SDGs) des UN-Entwicklungsprogramms.
Forschung an der Fakultät in Zahlen
- 29 Professor:innen, 10 Habilitierende, 10 LfbA/Dozent:innen, und über 140 Promovierende
- 3 Forschungsschwerpunkte
- 8 Schwerpunkte
- Jährlich rund 70 Publikationen in führenden Fachzeitschriften
- Platz 2 in Deutschland in der Forschung: WirtschaftsWoche Ranking 2022